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The world is changing FAST!
In order to succeed, you need to adapt quickly. Stay ahead of the crowd and competition by getting more done than everyone else in just a fraction of the time.
I need to let you in on a secret…
Most people don’t seem to understand this secret but you need to understand something...
There are 24 hours in a day and EVERYONE has the EXACT same amount of time.
This is revolutionary information, isn’t it?
But now that you understand this, I MUST share something else with you…
Everyone you can think of that has achieved massive levels of success, fame, and fortune did it with the SAME 24 hours that you have.
Sure, many people think that the rich and famous had some major edge that separated them like money from their parents, a genetic gift like strength or height, or some insane connections that no one else has access to.
While that might be true to an extent, I can guarantee that it didn’t make as much of a difference as this single word that I’m about to share with you.
What TRULY separates you, your peers, and everyone else you know from the Elites, the rich, the famous, and the remarkable individuals that have existed is one single word.
That word is…
That’s it.
Any level of success you can think of can be summarized by the actions they made.
Jeff Bezos…
Morgan Freeman…
Dwayne Johnson…
Elon Musk…
Any president you can think of…
And any celebrity you can come up with are famous primarily because they did something different from you.
Their ACTIONS are different.
This all sounds insanely simple and obvious but few people can really grasp what this means.
By copying people that are successful, you can model their success and be like them. Once I realized this, I found myself trying to implement everything I could.
Suddenly, I realized that there was ONE MORE KEY that I was missing.
Time is finite.
While you and I have the same 24 hours as everyone else, the key is to do the most effective actions in your 24 hours that will QUICKLY lead you to your desired results.
And that’s where this program comes in.
Think about everyone you know.
Separate the productive people from the unproductive people.
The productive people have a plan or some form of structure. Meanwhile, the unsuccessful people have no structure.
They’re not using their time wisely.
My belief is that it’s possible to be a Time Wizard and almost manipulate time.
Time Wizards are all around you...
They bend time to their will.
One day they’re starting a business. The next day they have an album. Fast forward to a future day--they’ve earned 7 new degrees.
And suddenly a week later they’re on TV or starting the latest trend.
Whenever you see them, they're accomplishing something new.
How are they getting so much done in so little time while every year for you just seems like a repeat?
Those people are no different from you or me. They just use their time differently.
They’re Time Wizards...
But you can be one too.
The world is moving quickly and everything is getting more advanced.
You need to adapt the same way. QUICKLY.
As a Time Wizard, you’ll be able to learn the skills and techniques that the successful use to always stay ahead of the curve and adapt quickly.
Don't go another day without knowing the secrets and techniques to maximize your 24 hours!
Have you ever felt like you had no time for your side hustle or project that you want to start?
Have you ever felt like you had no time to go on dates?
Have you ever felt like you had no time to work on your favorite hobbies or just have more fun in life?
Have you ever felt like you didn’t have enough time to complete work that might allow you to excel in your career?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU!
If you want to improve your life and feel like you're in the driver's seat of your destiny instead of a passive participant in the passenger's seat, this is the course for you.






Why Time Management is So Important
In this module you’ll learn the importance of time management. I also share some concepts about how to better comprehend time and relate it to a form of currency such as Crypto or Fiat. i also discuss how the root of most problems you have/will face involve how you structure your day and use your time.

How to Quantify Your Personal Time Value
You understand the value of a dollar, a quarter, or a dime. However, most people don’t truly know how much their time is worth. In this video, I share my technique to help you understand your personal time value and how that impacts the actions you should take daily. Perhaps your time is worth $10/hr. Are you okay buying a $20 meal and spending 2 hours to earn the meal? This module will challenge your views on how to invest your time more appropriately.

How to Organize Your Day like a General
A good general or leader understand the importance of proper planning. Become the general of your own life. Take control of your life by planning ahead. In this module, I show you how to be more strategic and utilize your time more effectively using a special tool that I use daily.

How to Find Your Prime Time
There are certain times in the day in which certain activities are easier or make the most sense to perform. For example, if you have a lot of energy during the morning and you have a goal to workout more it would make the most sense to workout first thing in the morning. This is an example of Prime Time. In this module, I show you how to find your prime time to best take control of your day and make accomplishing tasks easier.

The Importance of Accountability
Knowing the techniques to manage your time is only a small piece of the battle. In this module, I share why having an accountability partner or coach will benefit you and FORCE you to improve. I also share some techniques you can apply to guarantee your accountability partner is effective.

My 2 Secret Weapons to Double Productivity
You can dramatically increase productivity by cutting the time it takes to perform a task in half. In this module, I share 2 techniques I always use to boost productivity and help you get twice as much done in half the time.

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Sometimes you need to put money on the line to get something important done. I’ll share with you a technique I use with friends every once in a while to ensure you succeed with your goals.

Reflect and Reorganize
The process to becoming a time wizard is long. Using the techniques I share in this module, you’ll learn how to reflect on how your time is spent and decrease the time required to accomplish tasks that help you accmplish your goals.
*Use the exclusive code: LEVITICUSGIFTS for 75% off.*
HOW LONG IS THE PROGRAM? The program is a little under 3 hours total. This means that you can finish the entire course in a single sitting and apply the techniques immediately.
DO YOU OFFER REFUNDS? Absolutely! I offer a 30-day money back guarantee for the program with no questions asked. Simply send an email to lennyrich999@gmail.com and you’ll get your refund. We will ask for feedback so we can improve the product but your answer will not impact the status of your refund.
DO THESE TECHNIQUES APPLY IN THE WORKPLACE? The techniques described inthis program apply anywhere and everywhere. Whether you’re a student trying to balance socializing, studying, and sleeping, whether you’re an employee trying to advance in your career, or whethe ryou’re an entrepreneur trying to maximize your day and increase productivity, these techniques will apply in any setting.
DO I HAVE LIFETIME ACCESS TO THE PROGRAM? Absolutely! Any additions made to the program will automatically be provided to you at no additional charge. We will never charge an additional fee. If the price of the program increases in the future, you’ll continue to have 100% complete access at no additional charge.
DO I GET ONGOING SUPPORT? While I don’t have a specific page or offer for additional support or accountability, I try my best to answer any email you have. Simply shoot me an email or a DM @leviticusrich on Instagram if you have specific questions on how to manage your time or apply any of the techniques.
DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION NOT LISTED HERE? If yo ustill have any questions, please email me at lennyrich999@gmail.com