The modern cell phone is a powerful tool. More powerful than a spaceship in the ‘60s (and spaceships tend to be pretty powerful if you weren’t aware). Conveniently, the overwhelming majority of us have this extraordinary power available to us in the form of the iPhone (or Android--if that’s how you roll). Why not use this power to make things simpler for you? Below are 10 must-have apps that’ll make any college student's life easier.
A quality college life begins with a quality mind. And a quality mind begins with quality sleep. The Sleeptime app ensures you wake up each night feeling fully rejuvenated. More than just your typical alarm clock, Sleeptime tracks your movements in order to wake you up during the most optimal time of your sleep cycle.
One of the biggest regrets college graduates have is not watching their health as a student. Don’t make the same mistake! During college, most of us reach that point where our metabolism begins to slow. Coupled with the common excessive drinking and constant sitting, this could lead to a recipe for bad health. MyFitnessPal allows you to easily track calories consumed and check the nutrition value of foods by scanning a barcode with your camera.
As mentioned in my top 8 websites post, the app version is a must-have! Any flashcards you’ve saved or created can be easily accessed on the go. You can also access the quizzes and tests to help you study more efficiently in between classes.
As mentioned in a previous post, a planner is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal. For those of you that don’t want to throw out 5-15 bucks on a planner, Studious is the next best option. Using alarms and notifications to remind you of upcoming tests and assignments you’ll never forget a task ever again. As a bonus, studious can silence your phone during class, saving you from the panic that arises when your Justin Bieber ringtone plays during that Monday morning lecture.
If you haven’t found out yet, you will soon discover that Scientific calculators are expensive. Like $100.00+ expensive, Sometimes, as a college student, you just don’t have the cash to fork over. RealCalc solves that problem for you. If you’re trying to save cash, RealCalc is perfect for using your phone (or computer) to solve varying levels of trigonometry and calculus equations. It provides the same functions as a standard scientific calculator but for FREE.
One of the most time-consuming and obnoxious parts of writing a paper is the bibliography. Whether it's APA format, MLA, or even Chicago style, it can be a hassle to get the format down and organize everything properly. Have no fear! Easybib is here to take care of the organization and format of your resources. Trust me, if your major requires you to do extensive research and write a lot of papers, this app will save you loads of time and stress.
Another planner app. This app’s easy-to-use interface allows you to efficiently organize and budget your time by managing your exams and projects and even keep track of your professors. This is another app that can be accessed from any device through the cloud!
Budgeting is an important part of college life. For many of us, money can be a little scarce so it’s important to keep track of it as much as possible. Mint allows you to keep track of all your banking accounts (checking, saving, credit card, etc) in one neat, organized location.
Another favorite of mine. Dropbox can connect to all devices in order to store any and all files that you may possibly possess. With this app, you’re able to store a file from virtually any internet-accessible location.
Perhaps one of the most versatile and useful apps you can have on your phone. Evernote allows you to make lists and notes easily in order to access them from any device available. One of the best features is the ability to set keywords to your notes in order to access them quickly at any time. With Evernote, you’ll no longer need to fumble through notes.
With these 10 apps, you’ll be on your way to conquering your college life! Which of these apps are most helpful to you? Do you have any other apps that you found useful? Let me know in the comment section below. And of course, thanks for reading!
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